AMQP event to send
Message to send
Options for the message (like expiration date, ...)
Consumer function called for each received message. If the function succeeds, the the message will be acknowleged with Channel.ack, otherwise it will be rejected with Channel.nack.
Set of generated publisher.
Received message.
Engine configuration
Set of consumers to setup
Set of exchanges to configure
Set of publishers to configure
Set of queues to configure
AMQP broker URL
Exchange configuration
AMQP exchange options
AMQP exchange type
Exchange Publisher configuration
AMQP exchange's name (should be declared by an ExchangeOptions structure)
Routing Key to use for later routing
Set of generated publisher functions
Publisher configuration. A publisher can publish message to an exchange or directly to a queue.
Route from an exchange to a queue
AMQP exchange's name (should be declared by an ExchangeOptions structure)
Routing Key to use to route messages from the exchange
Queue configuration
Routes to setup
AMQP queue options
Queue Publisher configuration
AMQP queue name (should be declared by a QueueOptions structure)
Default configuration options
Generated using TypeDoc
Define the Engine's configuration and its defaults.