Extends the ApolloServer configuration.
Operator configuration.
Extra Options for children classes.
Returns a custom HTTP API capable of interacting with the Kubernetes API Server.
Configuration for ApolloServer.
Name of the HttpOnly authentication cookie (see operator/auth).
Encryption secret for cookies.
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing configuration.
Configuration for KubeInterface.
Configuration for ServerFactory.
List of ResourceWatcher.
Make all (nested) fields in a type optional.
Required informations to start listening.
Port to listen to.
HTTP(S) server that needs to listen.
List of ServerInfo returned by ServerFactory.make.
ServerFactory configuration.
HTTP Server configuration.
Enable/Disable the HTTP server.
Port to listen to.
HTTPS Server configuration
Path to PEM encoded Server Certificate Authority.
Path to PEM encoded Server Certificate Public Key.
Enable/Disable the HTTPS server.
Path to PEM encoded Server Certificate Private Key.
Port to listen to.
Generated using TypeDoc
Type definitions for the operator module.